Friday, 18 October 2019

First Umrah in Islamic History

The Muslims of Makah had the utmost desire to perform Hajj and Umrah. The position did not help their situation, and they have to left Makah and migrate towards Medina because of the troublesome conditions created by the non- believers and their clans. It got a place on the morning of the fourth day of Dhu al-Qi'dah 7 AH (629 CE), after the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah 6 AH (628 CE). 

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) already knew the strong desire of Muslims to visit Makah and perform Umrah. Of course, they were also desperate to see their homeland. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) finally decided to step out form Madina and Perform Umrah. He (PBUH) had about 1400 people along with him. When Makkans heard about the march of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) along with that number of Muslims, they were concerned that the Muslims might have the intention to attack Makkah and non- believers.

So, when they reached outside of Makkah, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sent an emissary to the Makkans to clear the things out. He (PBUH) did not want to have confusions in the minds of the non- believers regarding the trip of Muslims. He (PBUH) want to do that to erase any misconception because Muslims tried to reach Makkah for a very Holy purpose and want to have a peace agreement for the betterment of both parties.

The non- believers after receiving the emissary were thoughtful, and they finally decided not to permit Muslims to enter inside the city. Muslims were not allowed to perform minor pilgrimage (Umrah) that year but were asked to come to next year for the purpose. A treaty an agreement was signed between Muslims and non- believers in regards to visiting Makkah for minor Hajj. The agreement between the two parties is referred to as the “Treaty of Hudaybiah” in history.

This treaty had numerous points regarding a peaceful living for both Muslims and non- believers. The deal was signed for ten years as a peace maintaining agreement between the two clans. But they suggested that the Muslims would come next year for the purpose, non- believers will clear the path so that the Muslims could perform the ritual peacefully.

It was dissolved after two years when one of the tribes allied with the Makkans and attacked a tribe allied with the Muslims and killed some of its members. As the primary purpose and point of the treaty was to prevent bloodshed, so there was no reason to pursue the contract after the killings
The Muslims had become a formidable force and so in 630 Prophet Muhammad decided to attack Makkah along with the suggestions of companions and of course by the will of Allah Almighty. He (SAW) took an army of 10000 towards Makkah and prepared the Expedition of Abu Qatadah ibn Rabi al Ansari in December to turn away the concentration from his objective of belligerent Makkah. He (PBUH) led the troop of Muslims and dispatched 8 of his men to outbreak.

On arrival of Muslims at Makkah, the leaders of Quraysh got an idea that they were not able to fight against Muslims so the leaders of the non- believer clans surrendered. They were terrified about the impending conquest of theirs. However, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was a merciful person, by his personality, he claimed forgiveness for all of the ones who had no longer wished to fight against Muslims. After entering and succeeding Makkah,

He (PBUH) said;
“This day, no accusation shall be on you. Allah Almighty will pardon you; He SWT is the Most Merciful of the Merciful. You can go away.”

This victory of Muslims is known as “Succession of Makkah” and even for today is an exemplary case to wind up the conflict without any bloodshed. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) could have taken revenge by the Arab tradition and also taking revenge in equal intensity is allowed by the religion, but he (PBUH) decided to forgive the guilty. This conflict was a particular incident in the history of Islam because due to it, Islam was established in the Arabian Peninsula, and it was the beginning of spreading the light of Islam. It was after the victory of Makkah that Islam becomes a dominant world religion.

So, Now Muslims are going Makkah and perform Hajj and Umrah. This time people are not facing hard difficulties among those time people, Muslims face some minor tensions about, i.e. Umrah package, Visas, transportation, accommodation. Don't be worry you are in 21 century, search on Google and you will find every cheap Umrah packages.